I have recently heard about this amazing charity who help people dealing with terminal illness to organise and fund their wedding day.
It is such an amazing special idea that I just had to share it!
Here is some of the info from the website, but I would recommend a proper look at what they do
There are many men and women in the UK living with life limiting conditions or terminal illnesses who long to marry their special partner in life.
We, at The Wedding Wishing Well Foundation believe that few things in life can be more important or rewarding, than giving such a person a chance to have their dream wedding day, with all the excitement, love and happiness that brings.
As we are fully aware that time can be precious, we are able to organise the arrangements against the clock where required.
We fund raise to ensure that as many costs incurred are covered as possible and we work closely with very generous wedding suppliers who kindly donate their services for free or at a reduced rate.
With their help we can help transform lives and make a real difference.
For many families, the memory of a happy wedding day can be a cherished moment. Surrounded by family and friends, enjoying each other’s company and being full of joy and laughter; a wedding day is an occasion where everyone can look back and remember that special event, and smile.
We appreciate that none of this would be possible without our hard work and determination or without our suppliers and service provider’s generosity. These factors are integral to our success and we are constantly striving to ensure the organisation grows and flourishes so we can to provide such a service to all over the coming years.
Currently, we are based in Taunton, Somerset and operate locally in the South West area primarily but with more fundraising, continued support from generous suppliers and invaluable publicity, we have been able to increase exposure to our profile allowing us to take the foundation across the whole of the UK, helping more and more people enjoy the wedding day of their dreams.
There is also a wedding dress amnesty set up by Johnsons the cleaners that is a brilliant idea and one that you could tell your friends and family about, every dress helps!
For more information go to www.johnsoncleaners.com/wish