Welcome to the new cake toppers website
Welcome to the new cake topper website. A new range of cake toppers bought to you by the makers of Atop of the tier cake tops. It is a really exciting time for us as the new design and style of toppers is unveiled and we hope you like them.
A wedding cake topperEach topper is made to match each person, for any occasion. They are made from clay so will last you forever, a real keepsake.
This topper was made for a wedding cake. It shows how the hair style and colour match the bride and groom, the skin colour, flowers and the clothing. A little tiara was added for the bride as well made from little diamntes to give it some real sparkle. It also has the names and wedding date engraved around the edge to make it even more personal to the couple.
There is a choice of gold or platinum lustre hearts available for each topper, but this couple love horses so asked to have little horseshoes added to the base instead.
We produce genuine kiln fired ceramic wedding cake toppers. They are hand crafted to match each person. No moulds are used, the toppers are all sculpted by hand. We do not make fimo/polymer clay toppers which is a plastic based oven baked material, only real kiln fired earthenware clay. So you have a proper pottery ornament to keep forever.
These toppers are a lovely simple design that will go with any theme. They capture the detail in a very simple and effective way, that wont overpower a wedding cake but compliment it beautifully.
We are a new website and the gallery will be updated regularly, so keep an eye out for new toppers. If you do have any questions about the toppers please feel free to contact us.
I never knew that such a service was possible, hand made customized ceramics is absolutely fantastic.