Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Personalised Cake Topper

Posted on: January 11th, 2018 by Kate Elford No Comments
Cake topper

I loved making this personalised cake topper, it has lots of little details to make it personal to the bride and groom. 

Kilt wedding cake topper

The bride is wearing a short style wedding dress. I have only made a few shorter wedding dresses over the years, and this is a beautiful dress. The bride also is wearing brown boots, which look fantastic with the dress. The groom is wearing a black laced shirt, with a kilt and sporran. They have a great style for their wedding and this really shows in the cake topper.

Cat Cake Topper

The bride and groom also wanted their cats included on the cake topper, and to add a wedding theme to the cats they are all wearing little bow ties! A lovely touch, very simple and effective. Pets are a popular addition to the toppers, and the colours and markings are all matched.

Atop of the tier

This topper is by Atop of the tier –

There is also a smaller version available from – 


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Congratulations newly engaged couples from wedding cake toppers

Posted on: January 10th, 2018 by Kate Elford No Comments


to all the newly engaged couples over Christmas and the new year from us at wedding cake toppers. Exciting times are ahead for you. Some of you may be planing a 2018 wedding, or some of you might be thinking more long term. Whenever you are thinking it is always sensible to decide if there are bespoke things that you are hoping to have and book ahead. Some personalised wedding supplies book up months or even years ahead. So don’t panic! But maybe take a bit of time to decide the basics.

Cake toppers


Here at Atop of the tier we can book up especially for the summer months. Surprisingly September is so far one of the busier months. Our cake toppers are personalised to match you on your special day. They are crafted from ceramics, so will last forever. They are a lovely centre piece for your special day, then a lasting keepsake to treasure.

We have two varieties of cake topper to choose between

Atop of the tier –


and these smaller more simple toppers

Both are ceramic and made to match you, your pets, your hobbies and more!

I am very lucky, that I have been sent these lovely photos of cake toppers on the wedding cakes. It’s always great to see them in action!

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Personalised Pet Christmas Decorations

Posted on: November 29th, 2017 by Kate Elford No Comments

It’s getting close to the festive season (my son has been planning it since Easter!), so thought it would be a good time for Christmas present ideas!

Perfect for pet lovers, these are little ceramic pet portraits for the Christmas tree. Any pet can be made, and markings will also be matched.

Personalised pet ornaments

These little ornaments are a lasting gift, that can be put on the tree every year, pets are obviously part of the family, so it’s a great way to celebrate that. 

For more information please go to



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Personalised Pet Decorations

Posted on: September 21st, 2017 by Kate Elford No Comments

Personalised pet decorations

Personalised pet decorations. It’s getting close to the festive season (my son has been planning it since Easter!), so thought it would be a good time for Christmas present ideas!

Perfect for pet lovers, these are little ceramic pet portraits for the Christmas tree. Any pet can be made, and markings will also be matched.

Personalised pet decorations

Personalised pet ornaments

These little ornaments are a lasting gift, that can be put on the tree every year, pets are obviously part of the family, so it’s a great way to celebrate that. For more info please go to

The pets are a lovely way to always remember your pet, and even when it’s sadly a friend that’s no longer with you, there will be a lasting memory of them at Christmas. I’ve always thought of Christmas as a very important time to remember and think of loved ones. Including pets. Our pets have always been very much part of the family. Here is a photo my my lovely wonky head Ted.

I also make little animal decorations for Christmas over on etsy, visit to see what I’ve made. There’s always lots of penguins!

Wedding Cake Ideas

Posted on: February 23rd, 2017 by Kate Elford No Comments

Wedding cake ideas

I was sent these lovely photos this week, of a wedding topper on the cake, and had to share them, such amazing wedding cake ideas. I think this should have been called a yummy wedding cake post!
The top tier is a traditional white iced cake with a cake topper, and the base is a fantastic stack of doughnuts. I absolutely love the idea and I’m guessing it was a big talking point on their wedding day.

I love an unusual cake, which this one definitely was. Such a great fun idea. The topper matched the bride and groom. The brides dress was made to match, and also the groom in his uniform. The bride and groom included their cat on the topper, who had lovely unusual markings on his face which I also matched for them.

This topper is by Atop of the tier –

Also available

Cake toppers by –

A little bit more of what I do…

Posted on: May 2nd, 2016 by Kate Elford No Comments

I thought I would share a little bit more of what I do.
I make and paint fun pictures and ceramics and I have put them out for the world to see on Etsy!
It did feel like a scary step to start with, but having reached a milestone birthday (eek) I wanted a new challenge.
Toppers are and will always be my number one, but it’s also lovely to get back to painting….penguins!

My shop is byKateElford and here is a link! –

Book penguin Penguin earringsGuinea pig

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A little bit more of what I do…..

Posted on: May 2nd, 2016 by Kate Elford No Comments

I thought I would share a little bit more of what I do.
I make and paint fun pictures and ceramics and I have put them out for the world to see on Etsy!
It did feel like a scary step to start with, but having reached a milestone birthday (eek) I wanted a new challenge.
Toppers are and will always be my number one, but it’s also lovely to get back to painting….penguins!

My shop is byKateElford and here is a link! –

Book penguinPenguin earringsGuinea pig

Winter wedding, snow cake topper

Posted on: February 16th, 2016 by Kate Elford No Comments

Loved making this fun cake topper. Such a lovely idea. Bride and groom making sparkly snow angels.
Brilliant idea for a winter wedding


Personalised cake toppers from Atop of the tier – can be made in so many ways to match so many themes and personalisations. It makes the toppers such a special thing to treasure.


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Mini Cake Toppers

Posted on: January 21st, 2016 by Kate Elford No Comments

If you are looking for a lasting memento from your wedding day, that is personalised to match you but still affordable, try our mini toppers They are a more simple version of the Atop of the tier range, but still made from ceramic so will last forever. Here is a selection of photos

Civil partnership cake topper

Martial arts cake topper

Traditional cake topper

Here is a photo of a topper from Atop of the tier and a mini one from Cake Toppers so you can compare the difference. They are very similar, the smaller ones are just a more simple design.

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Thank you so much…

Posted on: January 11th, 2016 by Kate Elford No Comments

Lovely post today, a thank you card and photo of the topper on the wedding cake.

It’s always so lovely when someone takes the time to send a thank you card, it’s great that the topper means so much to them : )


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Also Available, Little Cake Toppers, A Smaller, More Simple Version Of Our Toppers