Archive for the ‘Weddings’ Category

Wedding gifts and decorations

Posted on: February 22nd, 2013 by Kate Elford No Comments

I took a quick trip to Dunster this week, to visit my favourite shop in the world.
It is full of lovely gift and home ideas and is beautifully presented. This time I noticed a lovely display of wedding things. There is a lovely selection of ideas and helpful advice is there if needed about quantities and colours etc.

If you can’t make it to Dunster they also have a website –

The 5 Quarters is a family run business shop based in the picturesque village of Dunster in Somerset. We have been welcoming our valued customers to the shop since Dec 2004 when we first opened.

Our aim is to bring magic, joy love into people’s lives by sourcing beautiful gifts for you, your home or a present for someone special.
Why is the shop called The 5 Quarters?

Our philosophy lies within the beauty magic found in nature, her elements, seasons cycles. Based on an ancient system, the Wheel of the Year journeys through Air, Fire, Water, Earth Spirit, the 5th element. By re-acquainting ourselves with the elements, we begin to become more conscious of the natural world, which can help bring balance harmony into our busy modern lives.

We have carefully sourced items that represent reflect the qualities of each element, in particular our range of crystals fossils, either in their natural form or set in sterling silver jewellery. ”

Dunster as a whole is a wonderful place to visit and is now a place to consider for your wedding, from the planning to the actual day. My photos don’t really do it justice so I would recommend a visit to see for yourself.

Booking up fast

Posted on: February 18th, 2013 by Kate Elford No Comments

Well it’s that time of year already, we are booked up until June 2013 at Atop of the tier – and there is only limited spaces available until September. We are really grateful for the support from our customers and look forward to making some amazing cake toppers throughout the year.

Football cake topper

Lovely Customers!

Posted on: November 10th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

I am very lucky I have such lovely customers.
Just this week I have been sent lots of great photos from customers from their wedding day.
It is always lovely so be able to see the toppers on the cakes
and know that the toppers were a success.

There are lots more photos of toppers on the cakes here –

I love this photo because it shows how the toppers
are personalized to match the bride and groom.

Also for our other range of toppers, here is an example of another fantastic photo sent to me

Lots more photos are online here –
I love this cake it looks so elegant with the little black bows, it’s a really pretty wedding cake.

Thank you so much to all the lovely photos
and really kind comments it is always hugely appreciated, Kate x

Cake Community

Posted on: September 24th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

New section has been added to the brilliant website –

A lovely cake community

‘We love cake here at Fabulous Cake Makers who doesn’t? Here in our own little cakey world we have created our cake community for you to share recipes, ideas, new techniques and even have guest writers telling us about absolutely anything from their own little slice of cake world.
So if you have a favourite cake recipe you want to share then get in touch. If you have some good quality photos of the finished masterpiece even better! A story behind the cake? Sketches from the bride and then the finished creation? The list is endless…
*Absolutely anything that you think will delight other cakey lovers just let us know, we will share the best with the Fabulous Cake Maker community. Let’s share the love of cake! Go on you know you want to…’

Pop over and have a look for inspiration, recipes and lots of lovely cake things….the cookie dough cupcakes sound and look amazing! –


Fabulous Cake Makers

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

Choosing your wedding cake is such a difficult decision to make, the choices are endless.
Where do you start, there are countless options. There is a lovely new website launched to help you out with the options and what’s available in your area. Not just wedding cakes, there are cake toppers, cake supplies and cake classes so it is a great source of information and inspiration!

”Our mission at Fabulous Cake Makers is to connect people
who need to find fabulous Cakes, Toppers, Classes or Suppliers.
Whether you need a Wedding Cake, Birthday Cake, Cupcakes,
Christening or Anniversary Cakes,

you’ll find all you need here in one place. Fabulous!”


It’s a really fresh and sparkly new website, that I’m sure is going to grow and grow. Well worth a visit if you are buying a cake for a special occasion.

Visit them here –


Gretna Green Weddings

Posted on: September 11th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

One of the most famous places to get married is Gretna green.
Gretna Green has been a haven for romance for more than 250 years
this tradition is still going strong today.

For more information about weddings in Gretna Green and suppliers here are a few websites

Both are a great starting point if you are considering a Gretna Green wedding with lots of inspiration and information.

Here is the Gretna green cake topper on the cake! Thank you so much to Lesley and Darren for the photos. I love the added initials behind the sign, it gives the cake a lovely touch of sparkle, to match the diamante heart details, so pretty.

 Cake topper from – Atop of the tier

Woodland cake topper

Posted on: August 14th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

I loved making this this topper, the base was a real challenge!

It includes mushrooms, toadstools, leaves, a bird, a mouse and a few conkers. I love the woodland theme being carried through on to the cake topper it makes it really special.

It’s always fascinating how different we all are, that even a bride and groom for a wedding cake, can be so different with each couple and how much can be shown about a person with a little but of clay!
This topper is from the Atop of the tier range –

Cake toppers back to front!

Posted on: August 14th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

I don’t show the back of the cake toppers very often, so here’s a few! A good use of the football shirts is to add names and the date just like the one for Mr Mrs T! 

These toppers are from the website

Up to date!

Posted on: August 8th, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

I’m not the best when it comes to technology, but I do try to keep up. This last few weeks I have added flickr, pinterest and instagram to the collection. There are so many things to be part of online and some of them do feel a bit like a community. It is a great way to share what you do, and also find out what other people are up to. Perfect wedding inspiration.


For anyone wanting to join me or exchange pages etc here is where I am!

Facebook –
I update facebook quite regularly and I am always on the lookout for all things lovely to share!

Twitter –
I am very partial to the odd tweet : )

Flickr –
New to flickr but have added quite alot all ready

Pinterest –
Very new to pinterest, but have already found it a brilliant waste of time, so many amazing things to look at I love it!

Instagram – katetopper
I love the effects you can put on photos, but this is definitely still a learning curve, pretty sure I’ll work it out though, having lots of fun trying!

If I’ve missed anything let me know, always on the look out  for new things to try x x x


Top 100 wedding supplier!

Posted on: August 3rd, 2012 by Kate Elford No Comments

If you are a facebook fan we are also there, and can be found at the page is regularly updated with bits and bobs about cake toppers or other peoples work that I think is definitely worth sharing. I was really pleased to find out today that cake toppers was listed in the top 100 wedding suppliers list, so just wanted to say a big thank you for the mention

Also Available, Little Cake Toppers, A Smaller, More Simple Version Of Our Toppers