Posts Tagged ‘kilt cake topper’

Personalised Cake Toppers

Posted on: January 10th, 2018 by Kate Elford No Comments
Cake topper

I loved making this personalised cake topper, it has lots of little details to make it personal to the bride and groom. 

The bride is wearing a short style wedding dress. I have only made a few shorter wedding dresses over the years, and this is a beautiful dress. The bride also is wearing brown boots, which look fantastic with the dress. The groom is wearing a black laced shirt, with a kilt and sporran. They have a great style for their wedding and this really shows in the cake topper.

Cat Cake Topper

The bride and groom also wanted their cats included on the cake topper, and to add a wedding theme to the cats they are all wearing little bow ties! A lovely touch, very simple and effective. Pets are a popular addition to the toppers, and the colours and markings are all matched.

Atop of the tier

This topper is by Atop of the tier –

There is also a smaller version available from – 


Also Available, Little Cake Toppers, A Smaller, More Simple Version Of Our Toppers